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  • Writer's pictureBrianna Gail Evans

Month Two & Three of Doing the Single Parent Life...

I’ve always had a respect for single moms. But it’s safe to say that now I have a whole new respect for them. This single mom life is hard-hard. Like HARD. And lucky for me, I have so many close family members that have been huge helps since Aaron has been gone. I truly don’t know how single moms do it without family and close friends.

Month two was no fun. Brax came down with the croup. It was truly scary in some moments. The sound of the croup cough is just terrifying. Its a scary feeling not being able to tell if your child is actually catching his breath or not. When he was sick it really took an army to make it through that without me having to miss humpteen days of work. My mom helped tremendously, went to several appointments with us, even stayed the night at my house with us. My cousins helped, my aunt helped... like I had a literal army of angels who were there without any hesitation. I could never thank them enough.

These photos were taken the morning before Braxs school called after nap time to let me know he had woken up from nap with a fever. Looking back at these photos I can clearly see in my little buddies eyes, he’s not feeling great.

After the sickness was over, I had a wonderful Mother’s Day. I really just can’t believe that God blessed me with this life of being a Mom. AND the mind boggling part, he gave me the most perfect boy that I couldn’t have ever imagined truly being so perfect.

Thanks to Pop, Tae and Aunt Reisa, Brax got to experience a sprinkler for the first time!

We got to spend two days at the beach. As always it was very much needed and not anywhere close to long enough! I can’t tell you how full my heart is taking Brax to the little slice of paradise that I’ve grown up on my entire life that we refer to as “Meme’s Beach”. And my eyes burn with tears every single time the phrase comes out of my mouth. I’d do almost anything for Brax to meet my precious Meme.

We celebrated Braxon’s 2nd birthday! I cannot even believe our baby is TWO!!! Why is he so big? In honor of dada being deployed we decided to go with an airplane themed party! “Fly TWO the Sky” was perfect for my airplane loving kiddo.

We celebrated the birthday boys together!!! I love that my dad and Brax Brax share the same birthday. It’s just so cute that he loves his hoot so much and they get to share their special day together. Two years ago my dad was on cloud nine and just thrilled to have his first grandchild on his birthday!

So these last two months of this deployment have been pretty good I’d say! The bad Things were I chopped a little of Braxs toe off on the trash can last week. I completely locked myself, our makeup artist and our client out of the studio last week. One of my taillights apparently isn’t working and I discovered a leak under my kitchen sink yesterday. Soooo that’s not too bad for a collective two months. So here’s to the next four! I’m ready for this “season” to be over and done with. I’m ready to have my partner in crime back!

Thanks for taking the time to take a little glimpse into our lives :)

XX - Bri

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